Student housing in Utrecht
Ways to find housing
SSH | SSH is the social student housing provider in Utrecht. On the SSH website you can register for SSH Long Stay housing if you are between 16 and 27 years old. The waiting time for SSH Long Stay housing ranges from 24 to over 30 months. Because the waiting time is considerably long, it is advisable to register as early as possible. Registration is a one-time fee of 20 euros. SSH also offers information about housing for students with a disability. |
Woningnet | On Woningnet you can apply for social (family) homes if you meet the requirements and are 18 years or older. The wait list is 10+ years. |
Housing ads | When you search for housing, try to spread your chances as much as possible. Include various platforms, housing providers and social media. Also include surrounding towns and cities in your search. Read more on ways to find housing, do's & don'ts, locations to include and how to avoid scams on |
Use your network | Many students find housing through their network. When you search for housing, try to actively build and use your social network, join a student organisation or mentor / buddy programme like Buddy Go Dutch, and ask friends and peers to keep an eye out for offers. |
Check your rent
- On the website Normale Huur ("Normal Rent" in English) or the Rent Price checker you can check if your rent is fair and in accordance with the Dutch Rent Point system.
- You can contact Huurteam Utrecht ("Rent team Utrecht" in English) for free legal advice and help if you think there are maintenance issues, unfair rent or service fees, or if you feel intimidated by your landlord.
Moving house
When you move house there are several matters you should take into account.