Wi-Fi on the go: secure or not?

Public Wi-Fi can be handy when you don't have mobile internet at your disposal or when your data bundle is limited. Nevertheless, someone may be watching you. As a result, your (login) data can be tapped and personal data can be intercepted.

Connecting safely

  • Consult a VPN. This sets up a 'tunnel' that encrypts all data transmitted through the Wi-Fi connection, so nobody can spy on you.
  • Be aware that someone in your vicinity may set up a fake free Wi-Fi hotspot. For example, when you see 'Free airport Wi-Fi' at an airport, this may be someone with a laptop sitting next to you who is trying to entrap people. Always find out the name of the real Wi-Fi network.
  • Make sure auto connect is off with known wifi networks. This is because someone can mimic an existing wifi network name. Think of public coffee shops or restaurants. Your phone will recognise the name and automatically connect to the network without you realising it, even if this is a fake wifi point.  
  • Eduroam is always safe worldwide. You can see on this map where it is available. 
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