Study abroad after graduation

Do you want to go abroad to further your studies or do research? Every year, hundreds of students go to universities abroad aided by grants. Special grants even exist for students wishing to study at universities in Italy and the United States. A whole new world lies at your feet. Apply now and use your academic talents!

Tips and tricks

  • Start with the preparations -if possible- about one year ahead of time. This way you will have sufficient time to find a programme or research group you’re interested in, and to arrange everything. 
  • Submit your application before the deadline, including the attachments mentioned (CV, overview of study results, recommendation letters, budget, etc.). Do this even when you are not yet sure whether you have been admitted. If you are a non-Dutch resident please investigate first whether you are eligible for these scholarships and grants. Keep in mind that most of the information and application forms are in Dutch.
  • is a website that can provide you with tips, ideas and useful links to broaden your international experience.

Grants for graduates of Bachelor's or Master's programmes

Fulbright Grant

For exceptional students who have obtained their Bachelor’s degree and would like to follow a graduate follow-up programme at a prestigious university in the United States it is possible to apply for Fulbright Grants (in Dutch).

Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds

For exceptionally talented Dutch Master graduates who are doing a follow-up study or research abroad it will be possible to apply for Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds (in Dutch). Students must have an average mark of 8 or higher. 

Study or research in China

China and the Netherlands provide 25 scholarships each year for studies or research(programmes) (in Dutch) in China.

Other study or research grants

A lot of countries offers grants for study or research on the basis of a cultural convention with the Netherlands. See for more information. 

Erasmus+ Master Degree Loan

Erasmus+ Master Degree Loans are EU-guaranteed loans with favourable pay-back terms that can help you finance a Master course in certain Erasmus+ Programme countries. Check the website for the conditions and the list of countries that are included.


Schwarzman Scholarship

The Schwarzman Scholars Program is an ambitious new initiative, inspired by the Rhodes Scholars program, to introduce the next generation of young global leaders to each other and to China. The Schwarzman Scholars team will recruit and bring together up to 200 scholars annually from the U.S., China and around the world for a fully-funded, one-year Master's degree program at Tsinghua University in Beijing, one of China's most prestigious universities.  Scholars chosen for this highly selective program will live in Beijing for a year of study and cultural immersion, attending lectures, traveling and developing leadership skills and a better understanding of China. 


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