Whom to contact

Find the right direction for your question and for help or answers. This is an interactive image. Click "Start" to open the pdf and go through the following steps to find the right guidance.

  1. Follow the arrows and answer the questions until you reach one of the guides on the outer circle.
  2. Then click on the icon for more information in text and videos. Review carefully for more information.
  3. Is this the guidance you were looking for? Make an appointment. Still didn't turn out well? Start over from the pdf.
Click the image to download interactive PDF

Study-Related Support

Are you having problems with or related to your studies? Do you need advice or counselling for personal problems? There are a number of counsellors within your study programme who can give educational guidance. See the page of your study programme for more specific information. 

Go to your study programme

Questions not related to your study programme

In some cases you may want to consult someone who is not related to your specific study programme. For example, if you fall behind due to extenuating circumstances or mental health issues, and it is not possible to correct this through an adjustment in your programme. If this is the case, you may use the contacts mentioned below.

We have put together some study tips and useful links and offer a number of workshops which can help you as well.

Health and Medical Care

It is important to have your health care in order. Healthcare providers can contribute to this both inside and outside educational institutions. But where can you go with your care request in Utrecht? Read more about healthcare in Utrecht below.

Health Care Request