
Partial exam regulations on Islamic and other religious holidays

Only officially recognised (religious) holidays are listed as national holidays on the university calendar. The Executive Board is of the opinion that programmes should be sensitive to students not wishing to sit written or practical exams during personally religious holidays. The same regulations should apply as for these students as those who are absent due to illness or personal family matters.

Dress code at Utrecht University

There are no dress code regulations for students or lecturers at Utrecht University. However, the Executive Board has taken the following position regarding the discussion about veils (chadors, niqābs): Face-concealing garments and/or accessories are not allowed in educative settings within the university, as open communication in higher education – in which facial expression plays an essential role – is fundamental.

Rooms for reflection and quiet

Some university buildings offer rooms where you can retreat to for a moment of peace and contemplation. You find a list of these rooms and whom to contact for arranging when and how often you’d like to use a particular room on the page Rooms for reflection and quiet.

Religious student organisations

Utrecht has many different student organisations. See overview of religious student organisations.

Activity facilities for religious student groups

Utrecht has a number of facilities for students where they can retire for reflection. The facilities owned by the university can only be used by student organisations.

There is an Advisory Committee present to advise faculties and other university divisions on how to apply for support of organised religious student activities: