Financial provisions
There are special provisions to provide additional support to disabled students during their studies. The most important provisions are described here. You may be considered eligible for a disability provision if you:
- have incurred a delay in your study progress during your grant entitlement period, as a result of your disability;
- are unable to earn your diploma within the specified ten-year period, as a result of your disability;
- are declared unfit for work, with an incapacity of more than 80%, during the specified ten-year period for earning a diploma, pursuant to the Invalidity Insurance (Young Disabled Persons) Act (Wajong);
- are forced to discontinue your studies, as a result of your disability.
Please note: The rules, as described here, are based on the current Student Finance Act (Wet studiefinanciering). The proposed amendments to the Act, intended for implementation by 1 September 2015, have not yet been included.