Complaints coordinator

If you feel you have not been treated properly by someone employed by Utrecht University, or if you disagree with a decision that affects you personally, you can respond.

Your complaint may relate to one of the following:

  • Supervision of your thesis or practical
  • Failure to provide educational activities or administer examinations as scheduled
  • Behaviour of a member of academic teaching staff or another member of staff
  • Response to a letter

You may opt for an informal approach: You can also approach the person who caused the problem and attempt to reach an amicable solution with them. You can also discuss your complaint with the Study Advisor of your faculty/department or the Student Counsellor.

If you feel your complaint is severe, or if it is difficult to discuss or if the problem was not solved informally, you can file a complaint:

If you feel that your complaint has not been handled properly, you can file a complaint to the Ombuds Officer Students.