Students about failure
Do you talk about failure a lot? With your friends or family? Maybe even with (fellow) students? We talked to two students about failure on the occasion of the Failure Festival. You can read their stories here.
Looking back on it, it has actually been absurd.
Renate (22), MSc Social Policy and Public Health
Renate is a master's student in Social Policy and Public Health at Utrecht University. She is also a coordinator at Platform Onbeperkt Studeren.
As a student, she spent a lot of time working on her CV: "But I would really do that differently now." She talks about her definition of failure and the pressure of society.
The stigma has to come off.
Saif (25), MSc Artificial Intelligence
Saif is a master's student in Artificial Intelligence at Utrecht University. Besides his studies, he organises storytelling events in Utrecht.
With his friends, he sometimes talks about failure, but it remains a complicated subject. Saif talks about the stigma around failure and how talking about it helped him.