Compensation for board activities

Students who wish to be actively involved in a board of a university management or participation body may be entitled to financial support from Utrecht University. For a student assessor this comes in the form of a Student assistantship and for a council member in the form of a management participation grant (henceforth knows as bestuursbeurs).

If you would like to be actively involved in the management of a student organisation, go to Bestuurlijk actief Utrecht to find out more about the financial options available to you.

Conditions for a 'Bestuursbeurs'

You are a member of a university participation body and are enrolled at Utrecht University for the full academic year.

How and until when can you apply for a 'Bestuursbeurs'?

Submit your application via the faculty office. Student members of the University Council should submit the application to the Executive Board through its secretariat. They will receive information from the student counsellors about the application procedure in mid-August.

The application for the 2024-2025 academic year must be submitted no later than 31 August 2025.

How much do I receive as 'Bestuursbeurs'?

That depends on:


Download the table with the annual amounts for 2024-2025 and the expected delay in studies.

Note: a new regulation has been adopted as of 1-9-2023 as student members of the University Council receive additional allowances


The management participation grant and any supplement add up to an annual amount, which is paid out in equal monthly instalments and is exempt from tax.

Official rules and more information

  • Download the official regulations for 2024-2025 (pdf).
  • More information on management participation grants for faculty management bodies can be obtained from the administrative office of your degree programme or faculty.
  • In 24-25, the student members of the University Council will receive information and an application form via the student counsellors.