Forced to discontinue your studies

Are you forced to discontinue your studies because:

  • You have become disabled since you started your studies?
  • An existing disability has worsened?
  • You have become chronically ill since you started your studies?

If so, it is possible to apply for a student grant for a new, other degree programme. In this way, you can start afresh with a degree programme that is compatible with your disability, with a full student grant.

The performance-linked grant amount you have already been allocated will be converted into a gift, regardless of your study results. Your previous student financial assistance record will be declared completely null and void. A new diploma term of ten years will apply starting from the first month in which you receive the performance-linked grant for your new degree programme. In order to have the grant converted into a gift, you are required to earn your diploma within ten years from the start of the first month in which you receive the performance-linked grant for the new degree programme.

Schedule an appointment

More information on the provisions of DUO can be found on the DUO website. You can also schedule an appointment with a Student Counsellor at Student Services.

It is best to submit your application once you are sure you will have to deenrol from your current programme for one of the above reasons and you have  chosen another programme that is more suitable.