How do I secure my USB flash drive or hard drive?

USB sticks and portable hard drives are usually a quick and convenient way to transport data or share files, but they also have drawbacks: they are more likely to malfunction, be lost, and they are more prone to data loss and theft.

Rather use secure storage locations

When you store data via OneDrive, for example, you can be sure that it is backed up and that your data is safe. You can access it while you study. However, bear in mind that you will no longer be able to access this data after your studies: you will have to transfer it to a personal OneDrive.

Secure your hard drive or USB stick

Use a USB stick or mobile hard drive with built-in hardware encryption (off-the-shelf) or secure your USB stick yourself. In Windows, you can also use Bitlocker for this purpose. On a Mac, you can use FileVault. Note; the two systems may not be mutually compatible.

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