Complaints, objections and appeals
If you feel you have not been treated properly by someone employed by Utrecht University, or if you disagree with a decision that affects you personally, you can respond in a number of ways.
A complaint relates to conduct towards you. You cannot submit a complaint about a general rule or scheme.
In the first place communication can be aimed at the person it concerns. Together you can try to come to an acceptable solution of the problem at hand. You can also discuss your complaint with the Study Advisor of your faculty or department. The Complaints Coordinator for your faculty can advise you on what action you can take.
If you feel your complaint is severe, or if it is difficult to discuss or if the problem was not solved informally, you can file a complaint:
- You can file a complaint about your faculty or department with the Complaints Coordinator of your faculty.
- You can file a complaint about central university services with the University Complaints Coordinator.
Please note:
It is not possible to submit a complaint about general rules or regulations. This means that comments or complaints about matters such as teaching do not fall under the university's official complaints procedure. But if you have such complaints you do of course want to share them with someone. In such cases you should go to the Study Desk, your Study Advisor or department. They can advise you on what action you can take.
Inappropriate behaviour
Inappropriate behaviour refers to any behaviour deemed undesirable by the person involved, such as sexual harassment, aggression and/or violence, discrimination or bullying. It concerns inappropriate behaviour towards you or others in your (work) environment.
In order to stop this behaviour, it is important that it is discussed. You can contact the confidential counsellor for support and advice. Would you like to report something or file a complaint about inappropriate behaviour? Please contact our Interpersonal Integrity Committee. Click here to talk with someone about inappropriate behaviour.
Objection and appeal
If you disagree with a decision that the Executive Board has taken in relation to you (this may also be the head of the Central Student Administration or the director of Student & Academic Affairs on behalf of the Executive Board), or the decision of the Board of Examiners or an examiner, you can submit an objection or appeal within six weeks after the announcement (in case of a grade announced via Osiris: date of change).
Before you decide to submit an objection or appeal you can of course discuss it with your Study Advisor, Student Counsellor or an examiner, however remember the six-week deadline by which you must have submitted your objection or appeal because the consequence of submitting it too late is almost always that the procedure will not be started and the content of your objection or appeal will not be dealt with.
- If it regards a (written) decision that has been taken by the Board of Examiners or an examiner (for example an examination result) or it concerns your admission to a Master's programme, or the binding study advice, you can submit an appeal to the Examination Appeals Board.
More information. - If it regards any other decision, such as your enrolment or the awarding of financial support, you can submit an objection to the Executive Board. More information.