Buddy programme
If you are a student with a disability and you are experiencing problems while studying, working, living or going out, it can be a big step to ask for the help you actually need. In order to make this a little easier, Studying without Limitations has set up a buddy program: a project that pairs you with an experienced student, the buddy. The buddy is there to support you, primarily in two ways:
- by making you familiar within the university and individual informing. For instance, the buddy knows exactly who you can go to for which problem;
- by being there for you, for example by having coffee together and talking about personal experiences and obstacles you have run into.
More information
Would you like more information about the buddy program? Email us: studyingwithoutlimitations@uu.nl.
Sign up
Would you like to have a buddy? You can sign up via this form (page in dutch) below or email the address above.
After you signed up the coordinator of Studying without Limitations will contact you to discuss your wishes and needs.