Writing tutoring
In a free and accessible 45-minute conversation a trained writing tutor helps guide you towards a better essay, paper or thesis. The tutor asks you many questions and encourages you to look at your writing process and text in a different way, enabling you to discover where and how improvements can be made more easily. You'll learn strategies that you can use every time you write academic texts, benefiting you throughout the rest of your studies!
What can a writing tutor help you with?
- research question
- text structure
- academic style
- argumentation
- main and sub-questions
- effective approach
And what can a writing tutor not help with?
- checking spelling and grammar (please visit our language support webpage for that)
- providing direct feedback; the coach primarily encourages you to think!
- the coach is not an expert in the content and therefore cannot offer advice on selecting correct theories or methods.
Contact Skills Lab
- Mail to skillslab@uu.nl or call +3130 253 630
- University Library Utrecht Science Park | Room 2.45
- Heidelberglaan 3, 3584 CS Utrecht