Back to better (NPO)

The National Education Program was set up by the government in 2021 during the corona pandemic, and aimed to help educational institutions in the Netherlands to improve the well-being of students. The NPO will end in 2024, under 'review' you can find what the UU has been able to achieve with the NPO.

  • Studenten dansen tijdens de workshop Afrodance (This is UU 2023)
  • Picknicktafel met geel tafelblad waarop een schaakveld staat afgebeeld.

Have you received money for a project?

​​​​​Have you received money for a project via a Call for Proposals? You must submit a reporting form afterwards, and make sure you have submitted all your invoices no later than 2 months after the end of the project.

Fill in the form


For all questions about the National Education Program (NPO), send an email to