Bachelor students wanted for interviews on the elective space
We (researchers at an educational innovation programme) would like to know more about how students at Utrecht University deal with the elective space in their bachelor programme. We would like to interview you about that!
For the interviews, we are looking for second- and third-year bachelor students, who are currently exploring their options for the elective space (or made their choice no more than a few months ago). You do not have to know yet what you are going to do in your elective space, but you can. It also does not matter whether you have many or few doubts about what you will do in your elective space (or are somewhere in between), all experiences are relevant.
Participate in this study
By participating in the study, you will help us better understand students' choice processes. Based on the findings, we will look at what is already going well and what could be improved in terms of elective space at UU. In other words, you also help future students.
The interview takes about an hour and can take place at the university or at another location that suits you. For participating, you will receive a €10 gift voucher (to spend at e.g.
Do you want to participate? Then fill in this form. Researcher Jael Draijer will then send you more information. Do you have any questions first? Then send an e-mail to