Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz

Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz (Germany) is an exchange destination for students of the Faculty of Geosciences.

Student experiences

Not available

Academic calendar
  • Semester I: first week of October – last week of March (lectures until mid-February)
  • Semester II: first week of April – last week of September (lectures until mid-July)

See: Academic Calendar


German language proficiency B1 (see CEFR).

Courses at Master’s level


Language of instruction

German; language proficiency in German equivalent to B1 (see CEFR).

Housing assistance

See: Accomodation.

Estimated living costs per month

About € 842.-. See: Costs of studying in Mainz.


Normal study load per term: 30 credits (EC).

Number of places available

1 place per year of 10 months. Selection was not necessary in the past few years.