UCU course pre-enrolment in Osiris
Course registration for all general UCU courses takes place via Osiris Student. It is set up as a pre-enrolment procedure with several rounds in which you can enter your course preferences. A weighted placement process and possible priority-based draw will determine for which courses you will be enrolled.
Your pre-enrolment reflects the discussion you had with your tutor about required courses and preferences. Pre-enrolment for the next semester will open shortly after the midterm break.
Always prioritise the courses you must take. Also make sure that you choose enough alternatives. This will not diminish your chances to get into your preferred courses.
The deadline(s) for the course pre-enrolment process are communicated in the academic calendar. The Osiris course pre-enrolment manual can be found here.
In case there is more interest in a course than there is room, the following categories are used to determine which student has priority.
For level 1 courses, and Language & Culture courses:
- 2nd year students
- 1st year students and exchange students
- 3rd year students
For level 2 and 3 courses, and methodology courses:
- 3rd year students (6 semester > 5 semester when course is offered every semester)
- 2nd year students and exchange students (4 semester > 3 semester when course is offered every semester)
- 1st year students
After the first round of pre-enrolment, each course will have at least 2 available places left for emergencies (i.e. missing graduation requirements). These can only be used by someone in a lower priority category at the indication of the tutor.
Last updated 21 January 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Courses with few places available | ||
UCACCMAT01 | Mathematics for Liberal Arts & Science | UCU-C2 |
UCACCMET12 | Research in Practice | UCU-A1; UCU-A2; UCU-C2 |
UCACCMET25 | Critical Discourse Analysis | UCU-C1 |
UCACCSTA21 | Biostatistics | UCU-A2 |
UCHUMARA11 | Intro Arabic Language and Culture | UCU-D1 |
UCHUMDUT10 | Beginner Dutch | UCU-B2 |
UCHUMHAR11 | Intro to Art History and Museum Studies | UCU-C1 |
UCHUMLIN11 | Introduction to Linguistics | UCU-A1 |
UCHUMMES21 | Visual Culture Studies | UCU-C2 |
UCINTPOL32 | Politics and Religion | UCU-A1 |
UCSCIBIO11 | Molecular Cell Biology I | UCU-A2 |
UCSCIBIO13 | Human and Animal Biology | UCU-B1 |
UCSCIHIS11 | History and Philosophy of Science | UCU-B1 |
UCSCIPHY13 | Wave Phenomena in Nature | UCU-C2 |
UCSSCLAW11 | Law, Society and Justice | UCU-D1 |
UCSSCLAW35 | International and Transnational Crimes | UCU-C2 |
UCSSCPOL11 | Introduction to Political Theory | UCU-D2 |
UCSSCPOL14 | Geopolitics and Diplomacy | UCU-A1 |
UCSSCPOL23 | International Relations | UCU-D2 |
UCSSCPOL38 | International Political Economy | UCU-B1 |
UCSSCPSY23 | Psychopathology | UCU-B1 |
UCSSCPSY37 | Health Psychology | UCU-B1 |
UCSSCSOC29 | Criminology | UCU-D1 |
Courses with slightly more places available | ||
UCACCMET13 | Foundations of Rhetoric | UCU-A2 |
UCACCMET14 | Programming | UCU-B2 |
UCACCMET31 | Structural Equation Modeling | UCU-D1 |
UCHUMHIS38 | Political History of Press and Populism | UCU-C2 |
UCHUMLIT36 | Postcolonial Interventions | UCU-C2 |
UCHUMPHI34 | Senior Philosophy Seminar II | UCU-B2 |
UCHUMSPA11 | Spanish Language and Culture I | UCU-B2 |
UCINTDEV21 | Theory and Practice of Development | UCU-D2 |
UCINTHIS22 | UN Simulation & Negotiation | UCU-D1 |
UCSCICHE11 | Introduction to Chemistry | UCU-A2 |
UCSCICOG31 | Spatial Cognition | UCU-C1 |
UCSCIEAR11 | Introduction to Earth and Environment | UCU-C1 |
UCSCIMAT23 | Analysis and Algebra | UCU-A1 |
UCSCIMAT31 | Advanced Mathematics | UCU-B2 |
UCSSCLAW21 | International Law | UCU-B1 |
UCSSCPSY22 | Developmental Psychology | UCU-C1 |
All other courses have plenty of places available
If you do not meet the formal prerequisites for a course you wish to take next semester, you must apply for “Course Admittance” (in Osiris Student under Cases -> Curriculum Matters). Course admittance needs to be obtained by the course admittance deadline as indicated in the academic calendar. You can request course admittance as soon as you have received a guaranteed spot in the course.
The Osiris pre-enrolment module will warn you when selecting a course for which you do not meet the formal entrance requirements (NB If you are currently taking a course that will make you meet these entrance requirements, you do not need to request course admittance).
For several of UCU's language courses, you need to be tested to determine at which level you can take the language course. If you want to register for a higher-level Language and Culture course but you do not meet the entry requirements, you can start a case in Osiris Student ("UCU language test"). We have different assessment procedures for the modern European languages and for Arabic, Chinese and Latin. Please see the information about the language level assessment for instructions.
Enrolment for the regular Research thesis (15 ECTS) is done through course label UCTHS150 in the pre-enrolment module. The same for the 7,5 ECTS double major/Honours thesis [UCTHS075]. Enter your thesis as the first choice in your preference lists - this will not decrease your chances to get a place in your other preferences, as the allocations are based on priority categories.
During the thesis proposal procedure at the beginning of the semester the field of study should be indicated. Upon approval you will then be assigned to the correct thesis track in Osiris.
Keep in mind that when you are not going to complete your Research thesis during one semester (Fall-Spring thesis or Spring-Summer), you might need to register a “Non-standard UCU credit load” (see below) to be able to enrol for the thesis and three courses (15 + 22,5 = 37,5 ECTS). Both the Spring and Spring-Summer theses count for 15 ECTS in the Spring semester - regardless of whether you write part of your thesis in the Summer term.
For registration of an Honours thesis: the standard procedure applies.
Registration for internships, 2,5 EC course modules and Lab courses are at this moment not done through the Osiris pre-registration module.
Internships: contact the internship coordinator.
Lab courses: contact the lab course coordinator.
2,5 EC course modules: enrolment through the accompanying and preceding 5 EC course (UCACCMET23 or UCACCMET25).
If you are sure to take an off-campus course (note the formal procedure) you have to adjust your UCU credit load prior to pre-enrolling for courses (see non-standard UCU credit load item).
Your double degree requirements could give reason to adjust your UCU credit load for the semester, e.g. if you are taking fewer UCU courses because you are taking non-UCU courses for your double degree (see non-standard credit load item). Make sure to adjust your credit load prior to pre-enrolling for courses.
A standard credit load at UCU is 30 ECTS. If your course load at UCU for next semester will deviate from this standard credit load you must first register a “Non-standard UCU credit load” request in Osiris Student under Cases -> Curriculum Matters. This applies to all situations that impact your credit load at UCU:
- Credit surplus (no permission required - so no need to complete an additional curriculum request "course load reduction" for this)
- Approved course load reduction
- Approved 5th course
- Confirmed place in an off-campus course (check time slots!)
Note that this procedure only facilitates adjusting your UCU credit load for course pre-enrolment in Osiris. This means that you have to make sure that you have approval via the formal procedure on all relevant curriculum requests that affect your course load in general: approval for off-campus courses, course load reductions etc. Any course placement based on adjustments without official and timely approval on relevant curriculum requests (credit surplus excluded as indicated above), may be rolled back without consultation, as a consequence.
If you need help, please refer to the course pre-enrolment manual in the first instance. If that does not help you, please contact UCU reception who can advise you on further steps to take.