Other Enrichment Options
Please visit this page for UCU Curriculum Enrichment options that yield ECs. Here below you will find a third category of Curriculum Enrichment Options: Options that do not, or might not, yield any EC —if they do yield EC, you may suggest to the Honours Director to let them count as Curriculum Enrichment towards the Honours certificate.
Further options
- The Dutch-language Landmerk Sleuteljaar courses challenge students to think about central questions in life such as democracy, good life, or justice. Find out more about Landmerk Sleuteljaar.
- Students who would like attend a conference may apply for reimbursement of the conferences fee. Find out more about the one-off conference.
- The Town and Gown team facilitates your plans to make a positive social impact and brings you into contact with off-campus communities. Find out more about Town and Gown.