What is a minor?
A minor is a set of content-related courses, where the main academic discipline of the minor falls outside of the domain of the major (HUM, SCI, SSC). Courses within the minor count towards the degree requirement of 180 EC and breadth requirement. You can design your own minor provided that the minor fulfils the requirements set out in the Academic Rules and Regulations:
"A minor consists of at least 30 credits of content-related courses, including at least 7.5 credits at level 3. At least 7.5 credits must be completed at UCU (with the exception of the Entrepreneurship minor offered at Utrecht School of Economics).
All courses in the minor must be passed with a grade of C- or higher. Pass/fail courses do not count towards a minor."
When you choose to complete your entire minor off-campus, please note that:
1) you must consider whether this can be done within the requirements of a UCU degree programme. Please consult your tutor in this regard.
2) UU minors cannot be declared as UCU minors. Although approved off-campus courses will be listed on the UCU transcript, the minor certificate has to be requested at the relevant UU faculty.
Declaring a minor
You may request to complete one or more minors outside the domain(s) of your major. Once you are enrolled in the last course that will be part of your minor, please file a curriculum request to request approval from the Exam Board for this minor.
Specific minors offering
More information is available about the minor Methods & Statistics, and the minor Entrepreneurship.
Other examples
Minors are named after the main academic discipline of the related set of courses they entail.
For example, a minor in History focusing on Conflict Studies could be comprised of the following courses:
- Geopolitics and Diplomacy in the 21st Century (UCSSCPOL14)
- Understanding Conflict (UCINTHIS21)
- Conflict Simulation & Negotiation (UCINTHIS22)
- The Arab-Israeli Conflict (UCINTHIS32)
A minor in Philosophy focusing on the Philosophy of Science:
- Introduction to Philosophy (UCHUMPHI11)
- History and Philosophy of Science (UCSCIHIS11)
- Cultural History of Magic and Science (UCHUMHIS24)
- Making Modern Science (BETA-B3MMS)
Utrecht University offers over 100 different minors (most of them in Dutch). Search minors at Utrecht University. Per minor you can find where to go for more information, what the entry requirements are and how to register.