Inter-domain major
Inter-domain major
The requirements for a Bachelor of Arts or Science with an inter-domain major appear in section 3 of the Academic Rules and Regulations for your cohort.
An inter-domain major can be a good choice for a student with a strong interest in two related disciplines from two different academic domains. Once an inter-domain major has been declared, however, a student's programme is less flexible than it would be if they were enrolled in a single-domain Humanities, Social Sciences or Science major.
Requesting an Inter-domain Major
Inter-domain majors meet graduation requirements with their own combination of courses. This combination of courses must form a coherent whole, and students requesting an inter-domain major must motivate that combination when they apply for an inter-domain major. Students must submit their request for inter-domain major to the UCU Exam Board via their tutors.
Methodology Courses
Inter-domain majors must take all methodology courses required for majors in the departments from which their inter-domain programme draws.
Humanities |
See Humanities domain page for specific recommendations per track. |
Science |
See Science domain page for specific requirements per track. |
Social Science |
See Social Science domain page for specific requirements per track. |
Major Courses
Inter-domain majors may complete requirements with tracks in any of the academic disciplines available for Humanities, Social Sciences or Science majors.