Medical Science
The academic field of Medical Science at University College Utrecht deals with topics that prepare you for future Medical Master programs in the Netherlands or elsewhere. In addition, many Medical Sciences majors continue to do MSc programs in related fields like Biomedical Sciences or Life Sciences.
There is no separate admissions process to access the Medical Sciences track at UCU, and students do not graduate with a pre-medical science degree. After admission to UCU, students have the first year to explore UCU’s diverse academical offerings and declare their major in the second year. Taking courses from the Medical Sciences track can fulfil requirements of future studies in medical and biomedical sciences.
Course level | Course code and title | Semester offered |
Level 2 courses | UCSCIMED21: Mechanisms of Diseases | SEM1,SEM2 |
Level 3 courses | UCSCIMED31: Immunology and Infectious Diseases | SEM2 |
UCSCIMED32: Pharmacology | SEM1 | |
Lab courses | UCSCIMEDL2: Human Anatomy | Winter |
UCSCIMEDL3: Human Anatomy and Pathology | Summer | |
UCSCIEPIL1: Introduction to Epidemiology | Summer | |
Interdomain courses * | UCINTGLO21: Global Health | SEM2 |
UCINTGLO31: Global Health Practice | SEM1 | |
UCINTLAS34: Public Health | SEM1 | |
Interdisciplinary courses * | UCSCIINT33: Nature, Biodiversity and Health | SEM2 |
* Please note that these are not track-finishers.
Please refer to the course planner for information regarding prerequisites.
For more information about the Medical Science track: programme overview and course diagram
The Medical Science track does not have its own level 1 course and requires additional courses from other academic disciplines. As an exception to the Academic Rules and Regulations, you can use a level 1 Biology courses as a track starter:
- UCSCIBIO11 Molecular Cell Biology I [officially part of the Biology tack, but requirement for 200-level Medical Sciences courses). An introduction to the fundamental characteristics of life on earth. This course focuses mainly on what all organisms have in common and predominantly the function and origins of cells that make-up organisms.
- UCSCIBIO13 Human and Animal Biology (officially part of the Biology tack, but requirement for 200-level Medical Sciences courses). An introduction to human and animal structures (morphology and anatomy) and relate it to commonalities and similarly differences in terms of physiology, development, and evolutionary origins that account for diversity.
After that, the level 2 course Mechanisms of Diseases is offered twice per academic year. For level 3, you have a choice between Immunology and Infectious Diseases, or Pharmacology. The level 2 and 3 courses of Global Health are each offered once a year. In addition, there are winter and summer laboratory courses linked to Anatomy, Histology and Epidemiology that are recommended to take as well. The thesis offers students the opportunity to explore a specific discipline or topic within Medical Sciences in more depth.
Off campus courses are also possible to take for Med Track students, either at the UU, in the Netherlands or during an exchange semester. Given the specific requirements for the track it is important to plan this carefully with you tutor.
The Medical Sciences track is closely linked to a number of other disciplines, for example the disciplines of Biology and Chemistry. Some courses offered in these tracks are pre-requisites for courses of the medical science track. In line with UCU’s interdisciplinary philosophy, the global health courses are also incorporated in the Medical Sciences track, as this field allows for an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective on health(care) including social determinants and health equity. Please note that interdomain and interdisciplinary courses listed in the course overview above are not track-finishers. Students wishing to broaden their understanding of health and healthcare and could consider following these courses in addition to the Med-track courses.
UCU students who do the (pre-)medical track and have the right requirements can apply to a number Medical Masters programme in the Netherlands and abroad. Please note: it is the responsibility of students to ascertain what the exact requirements are of possible masters, and together with their tutors map out their course planning accordingly. For medical programs in the Netherlands, this may require language (Dutch) entry tests.
Examples of medical masters in the Netherlands UCU alumni have enrolled into:
- Utrecht University: Selective Utrecht Medical Masters, more info:
- Maastricht University: Arts-Klinisch Onderzoeker (A-KO):
- VU: Zij-insroom Geneskunde (ZIGMA):
- Rijksuniversiteit Groningen: Pre-master geneeskunde;
Importantly, not all medical science track students continue with medicine. Many instead choose to continue Biomedical or Life Sciences masters (i.e. more research oriented Master programs) or policy-oriented master programs.
Examples are:
- Masters within the UU Graduate School of Life Sciences:
- Many other MA and MSc programs in the Netherlands, Europe and elsewhere.
- Interdisciplinary MSc programs
- Global Health / Public health / Epidemiology
- Healthcare management
- Medical Humantities:
- For inspiration, see our Alumni stories: