UU Services
Questions not related to your study programme
In some cases you may want to consult someone who is not related to your specific study programme. For example, if you fall behind due to extenuating circumstances or mental health issues, and it is not possible to correct this through an adjustment in your programme. If this is the case, you may use the contacts mentioned below.
We have put together some study tips and useful links and offer a number of workshops which can help you to improve your study skills.
Student services provides information about studying and student life, such as information about admissions, registration, tuition fees, student finance, administrative grants, career orientation, student organisations and studying abroad.
Student psychologists can help you to solve study-related problems and to address personal problems. Read more information here and book an appointment.
Student Counsellors provide advice and support to students who have suffered a serious study delay or are threatening to fall behind. Possible reasons could be a disability or chronic illness, membership of a board of a student organisation or participation in sports at an international level.
The Study Advisor or your Tutor can refer you to a Student Counsellor if you wish to terminate your enrolment due to illness or exceptional family circumstances, if you face financial problems or if you wish to make use of the university schemes offering financial support.
To schedule an appointment, contact Student Services.
Skills Lab - the gateway to your academic development- is an accessible service desk where UU students can get a clear idea of what courses, workshops, individual tutoring, electronic tools, etc. are available to them. Much is available, but this wealth or resources can be hard to find and access for students with specific questions. We can show students where to go to improve any skill, be it writing, presentation, studying, or job-hunting.
You can visit the Career Officer to discuss your options in the labour market. The Career Officer is fully informed about the labour market for university graduates and can also help you decide which career to choose. The Career Officer can also provide a career training and check your application letter and CV. Read more on Career Services.
If you are unsure if your bachelor programme is right for you, talk to your program's tutor and/or study advisor. You can also make an appointment with the study choice advisor: studiekeuze@uu.nl.
More information about Study choice.
Caring Universities offers free online programs to help improve students' mental health. All programs are evidence-based, created by clinical psychologists, and include online coaching. Read more on the page about Caring Universities.
If you feel you have not been treated properly by someone employed by Utrecht University, or if you disagree with a decision that affects you personally, you can respond.
Your complaint may relate to one of the following:
- Supervision of your thesis or practical
- Failure to provide educational activities or administer examinations as scheduled
- Behaviour of a member of academic teaching staff or another member of staff
- Response to a letter
You may opt for an informal approach: You can also approach the person who caused the problem and attempt to reach an amicable solution with them. You can also discuss your complaint with the Study Advisor of your faculty/department or the Student Counsellor.
If you feel your complaint is severe, or if it is difficult to discuss or if the problem was not solved informally, you can file a complaint:
- You can file a complaint about your faculty or department with the Complaints Coordinator of your faculty.
- You can file a complaint about central university services with the University Complaints Coordinator.
Utrecht University thinks it is important to have a safe social climate for all students and employees. We treat each other with respect. Nevertheless, students or employees might be approached in a way that is inappropriate to them.
Inappropriate behaviour includes, but is not limited to: (sexual) harassment, discrimination, agression, violence or bullying.The result might be that you feel no longer safe at the university or in private."
You can contact a Confidential Counsellor for Inappropriate Behaviour for education, shelter, supervision and mediation. The information provided is always confidential.
Studying without Limitations is a platform for and by students with a disability. Besides involvement in policy decisions and providing information they also offer guidance for students with a disability such as dyslexia, AD(H)D, autism and so on. Do you want more information, or would you like to have a buddy for extra support or guidance regarding your study or themes outside your study such as in living, working and going out? Then perhaps our buddy programme is something for you.
The Facilities Service Centre (FSC) is responsible for providing facility services at Utrecht University, such as audiovisual teaching support, catering, room hire, cleaning, waste removal, post and transport, building care and maintenance.
You can use the FSC service request form for all reports relating to facilities.
Contact details
FSC Reporting Centre
Address: Marinus Ruppert Building, Leuvenlaan 19, De Uithof
Tel. +31 (0)30 253 9595
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8.00 - 16.30
FSC service request form