Student-Led Honours Seminar

Sometimes we get curious about a topic or problem that we encounter briefly in a course or in the world generally, and wish we could spend dedicated time teasing it out, to come to a deeper understanding of it. The Honours Seminar allows you to design your own course and steer your own learning.

You work together in small groups of about six to ten students, inviting experts in the field to come and talk with you on your topic, and you read and write extensively on it. You have a University College Utrecht topic supervisor, but you are the ones in charge. 

Anyone can propose a course topic, but the course outline is written by all group members in the semester preceding the one in which the course runs, so finding your group and planning in advance is important.

Students from these courses have been inspired to follow a Master's Study or write a PhD thesis on the topic that they explored in this course.

You can find the Student-Led Honours Seminar on the Course Planner with course code UCINTHON32. Please consult this page to read about grading and necessary assessment pieces for the Student-Led Honours Seminar.


Do not hesitate to contact to the Honours Director ( and/or to ask for an informal meeting.