Ubi societas, ibi ius: law is a widespread social institution fulfilling essential functions in everyday life. These functions have developed over time and have adapted to ongoing changes in society. Law does not only play a crucial role in national societies, but also at the regional (Europe for instance) and the international level. Although law is commonly viewed as an instrument for achieving policy objectives (whether it is change or conservation), it is also a means of achieving justice – law can emancipate as well subordinate.
The law courses at University College Utrecht have been developed to serve Liberal Arts and Sciences students. Our law track at UCU recognizes the importance of providing a rounded legal education beyond the learning of general theories of law and the main substantive and procedural aspects of certain fields of law. Our track also aims to challenge students to critically assess the main functions of certain laws in a given society and at the international level by taking into account the political, historical and economical context in which those they are placed. The courses offered, provide solid knowledge and insight into crucial areas of Law, such as contract law, European law and (considering the composition of the University College Utrecht student population) international law. The track has been crafted in order to equip students with a strong foundation in legal reasoning and writing as well as legal research skills.