Choose a Master’s programme

Within two years after graduating from University College Utrecht, 53% of our Bachelor’s students enter a Master’s programme in the Netherlands (source: KUO 2012). Note that a significant portion of our students take a Master’s degree abroad, though their precise numbers are not known. Nor do we have reliable data on those Bachelor’s students who enter the job market right after graduating. This is the reason why we can only outline the career perspectives open to Master’s graduates.

Choose a Master’s programme.

ASC's Master's guide

The following pages, written by the Academic Student Council should help you well on the way to finding, applying and eventually starting a master's program. It is a collection of information, advice, tips and experience – stimulation for how to plan ahead, how to choose a Master’s programme, apply, write your motivation letter and CV effectively, or find and apply for scholarships. This has been drawn from a variety of sources, from our very own professors, faculty and staff and UCU Alumni. Remember: take your time to think, plan ahead, start ahead of time, and it will make your life much easier. You can always go to the ASC office if you have questions, or send an email at The Master's Guide consists of the following topics:

The right discipline
Choosing a university and program
CV and motivation letter
Scholarships and grants