Writing & Skills Centre
The Writing & Skills Centre is a place for University College Utrecht students to get help with any aspect of their writing as well as other academic skills.
It offers individual appointments with students and a varied series of optional workshops, which can be organised by domain/discipline, by cohort, upon request from students, or from teachers. The Centre has resources on a variety of topics related to research and writing.
Consult the Writing & Skills Centre for:
Writing skills
Deciding on a research question, finding focus, choosing a writing strategy, planning the writing process, making writing more efficient or enjoyable, overcoming writer’s block, finding one’s academic voice, or making a text plan for writing in various disciplines or your thesis.
Presentation skills
Analysing aim and audience, preparing a talk, putting together visual aids, managing nerves, practicing.
Study skills
Time management, academic reading, preparing for exams.
Methodological research skills
Choosing the appropriate data collection strategy, critically looking at the validity and reliability of your measurements, evaluating ethical issues, choosing an appropriate research design, etc.
Statistical analyses
Selecting the appropriate analysis technique, using SPSS, reading and interpreting output, etc.
The Writing & Skills Centre is run by Dr. Guus de Krom and Dr. Kirsten Namesnik (coordinator).
To schedule an individual appointment, please send an e-mail message to: ucu.wcenter@uu.nl and indicate in your e-mail what type of consultation you are looking for.
The Writing & Skills Centre is located in Locke LL, across the hall from the lounge.