Inappropriate Behaviour

UCU is an environment of mutual respect, responsibility, consideration and consent. All members of the UCU community, staff and students alike, are expected to embody these values. In the Campus Life Rules and Guidelines, consisting of  the UCU Social Honour Code, General Rules and Guidelines, and Housing Rules and Guidelines, these values are translated to explicit expectations in terms of behaviour and responsibilities.

All students at University College Utrecht are expected to adhere to these documents for the duration of their studies. Violations of the Social Honour Code, General Rules and Guidelines and/or Housing Rules and Guidelines can lead to sanctions. The disciplinary process for violations is outlined in Article 11.

As in all communities, acts of inappropriate behaviour, including sexual misconduct, bullying or intimidation, and discrimination, might still occur on our campus. If you experience or witness types of behaviour that you feel are wrong,  it is important to know that there are several actions you can take.

As a first step, students are warmly invited to get in touch with Annemieke Meijer, UCU student counsellor and contact person for inappropriate behaviour, for a confidential conversation.

Annemieke explains her role as follows: 

I am here for any student who would like to talk in confidence about something that has happened to them or to someone else in the field of interpersonal relations that does not feel right, whether it be a recent incident or something that occurred longer ago. Nothing is too minor. I am not a therapist, but will offer initial support and take the time to listen to you. Making an appointment to talk to me does not mean that you start some kind of official procedure. Nothing will happen that you do not want to happen.

Students who prefer to talk to someone outside of campus can contact the UU Confidential Advisor for Inappropriate behaviour, Marian Joseph:

UCU’s Senior Counsellor, Mark Baldwin, is available for confidential conversations about all non-academic parts of young adult and residential life. As well as offering a safe and non-judgemental space to share your concerns and experiences, he can also guide you towards the most appropriate sources of further help if needed. or

Please know that your personal tutor is there for personal as well as academic guidance and that you can always contact them too.
