Field Research Aruba
This exciting programme supports students in conducting field research in Aruba, a small island state within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Students use principles of community-based research to do projects in collaboration with stakeholders in Aruba. They are supported in this by a peer-to-peer learning community at the University of Aruba, UU’s key partner in the programme.
This programme gives you the opportunity to spend 10 - 11 weeks in Aruba doing field research for a project in an area of your interest that you design in collaboration with Aruban stakeholders, so that it has potential for meaningful societal impact. To support your success, you get guidance and coaching during the preparatory module, UCACCMET2L Community-engaged research in the Caribbean in Utrecht, as well as during the field period in Aruba (concurrent with UU block 3) where you participate in the course Approaches to Sustainable Development (6 EC), part of the University of Aruba’s SISSTEM BSc offerings. The programme allows you to apply your research skills to a societally meaningful project in an area of your interest, to engage in cultural and intellectual exchange with members of the diverse Aruban community, and to make the transition from student to independent researcher.
The programme is for advanced bachelor students interested in learning more about the cultural, social, economic and environmental challenges facing small island states of the Caribbean, and getting hands on experience doing with empirical research that addresses one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. No matter what your academic direction, your knowledge and skills can be applied to addressing global challenges in a local context. If you would like to earn credit towards a bachelor thesis or research internship and develop skills in research collaboration for addressing societal challenges, this programme is for you. Although the programme is administered by University College Utrecht, participation of students from other UU bachelor degree programmes is welcomed. See application procedure.
The field research programme in Aruba enriches your bachelor thesis project with field research, or provides field experience as part of a community-based research internship. UCU students can use participation in the programme to apply for an Honours certificate.
The required module UCACCMET2L Community-engaged research in the Caribbean is a level 2 2.5 EC module that provides a brief interdisciplinary introduction to the Caribbean and the principles of community-based research, while guiding you through the process of designing a project around your own interests. The module towards level 2 methods requirements for UCU Humanities and Social Sciences majors;it can count towards elective course credits for students from other degree programmes.
Students can apply to have credit for the UA course Approaches to Sustainable Development count towards elective course credits, according to programme procedures (e.g., for UCU students, through an Exam Board approved learning agreement).
Students interested in applying to participate in the field research programme should speak to their tutors or study advisors about curriculum planning and motivation. They must plan to complete the course UCACCMET2L along with all other degree requirements. Participation is limited to 14 students per field research period. Selection takes into account the candidate’s academic record, appropriate curriculum planning, academic interests, and motivation.
There are two deadlines for applying to participate in the field research period that starts in late January/February (around the beginning of UU block 3, SEM2). Both deadlines allow for timely selection, registration for required courses UCACCMET2L and UA’s Approaches to Sustainable Development, and accommodation arrangements.
2024-2025 procedures
Early bird deadline: 6 May 2024.
Regular deadline: 30 September 2024.
Selection of GSS students occurs only after the regular deadline (see subsection below for additional information for GSS students).
Download the general application here.
Download GSS application here.
Notice of selection will be made no later than 15 June for applicants who apply for the early bird deadline, and no later than 21 October for the regular deadline. Selection of GSS students is made by GSS programme only after the regular deadline.
To be eligible to join the programme, Global Sustainability Science (GSS) students must have already successfully completed a minimum of 90 EC, including the following courses: GSS-Sustainability Challenges (GEO1-2410), GSS-Regional Integration Project (GEO1-2416) and Global Integration Project (GEO2-2417).
Selected students enrol in the course Consultancy Project Aruba in period 3 in place of GEO3-2423: Consultancy project for GSS students. This course can only be followed in combination with the courses UCACCMET2L Community-engaged research in the Caribbean at UU during period 2 and Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches to sustainable development at the University of Aruba during period 3. Students from the GSS programme join participants from other UU bachelor programmes in these courses in Utrecht and at the University of Aruba, and in the living quarters in Aruba. GSS students, however, engage in a group consultancy project whereas other students from Utrecht be doing independent research projects.
Interested GSS students should contact the GEO international office if they have any further questions and points of consideration related to studying abroad; GSS students should also contact the international office for document signatures (e.g. “OV vergoeding”), and help with uploading documents to Osiris (e.g. the approval of the programme for participation in the Consultancy Project Aruba).
- Read more about projects recently carried out by University Utrecht and University of Aruba students in the annual volumes published for previous cohorts (2024, 2023, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015)
- View poster presented at the GUNi 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals, March 2020.
- Visit the University of Aruba page in the exchange destinations catalogue.
- Download the programme brochure.
Contact the coordinator for UCACCMET2L Community-engaged research in the Caribbean, Jocelyn Ballantyne.