The Housemaster, Maarten Diederix, is responsible for the academic buildings on campus.
Students should report any damage to campus buildings or property to the Housemaster as soon as possible: ucu.housemaster@uu.nl. His office is in Dining Hall on the ground floor, entrance next to the gym. Office hours are Tuesday and Thursday 14:00-15:00.
Any technical problems concerning units should be reported to the Landlady, Tessa van der Tol, through this online form. The landlady can also be reached by e-mail (ucu.landlord@uu.nl) or telephone (030-2539986), Office hours: Mo. – Thu. 8.00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 16.00 and Fri. 8.00 – 11.30 in the Landlady's office in Dining Hall, ground floor, entrance next to the bar.
Campus security is provided by UU security. They are to be called in all instances requiring emergency services including ambulance and fire.
In case of emergency, call 030 253 4444
For other (non-urgent) assistance, call 030 253 1300
To ensure safe and secure living, students should keep the doors to their residences locked at all times and should not prop unit entry doors open. Windows, especially in rooms on the ground floor, should not be left open or unlocked when no one is in the room. Do not leave valuable items unattended in common areas on campus, such as in student lounges, dining hall, or study areas.
Any needed repairs or technical problems in residence units need to be reported to the landlady as soon as possible (see contact details under Landlady header above). This may include lightbulbs needing replacement to problems with any of the items included in the original unit inventory or problems with the building itself.
All students are required to pay a € 100 housing deposit, to cover any unreasonable damage to units, inventory or campus facilities. More information about the housing deposit.
Download the washing machine manual and the dryer manual.
- Carefully read the manuals of the dryer and washer.
- There are 2 small filters in the door opening of the dryer. There is also a big condenser filter at the bottom. Clean these filters regularly with lukewarm water and make sure you replace them correctly. The filters should be dry when you place them back. If these filters get clogged up with too much cotton particles, the inside temperature gets too high, the inside security fuse blows and it costs at least € 85.00 to get it replaced. Often these filters are replaced the wrong way (left-right, upside down), which lets cotton particles and humid air enter the interior of the dryer, causing a moist layer of cotton over electrical parts and thus cause grounding problems. The filters must be cleaned every time after max. 3 loads. Please, check the manual about how to clean the filters.
- Do not dry heavy articles in the dryer such as shoes etc. These collide with the plastic lamp cover, which then breaks off and the next collision is with the bulb and fitting. On these threads the current is 230 V! Replacement of the plastic cover costs at least € 87.00. So when you find a round plastic cap in the dryer: this is the lamp cover! For your own safety please report immediately to the Landlady.
- Whenever you see water spilled on the floor, please check first if the outgoing flexible hose pipe is still placed in the gray vertical drain pipe.
- Clean up leftover detergent and staple layers of fiber in the washing room. If the laundry room is not clean after everyone leaves, you will be charged for the cleaning costs.
- If your dryer is situated inside the closet you should always keep the door of the closet open while using the dryer to allow wet air to leave through the ventilation openings.
- It's essential that you centrifuge your wash in the washing machine before putting it into the dryer. If the wash is too wet it can cause a short cut and damage to the dryer.
- Please remember that it costs over € 80.00 each time the MIELE service company has to come, not including the cost of the repair!
Students are expected to treat one another with respect, including sensitivity to the study and sleep needs of others. Quiet hours on campus are between 23.00 and 7.00, meaning that noise from parties, listening to loud music, movies or gaming is to be kept to a minimum during this time. It is best if students try to work this out in a respectful, cooperative manner with each other. If this fails, students should contact the Student Life Officer with their complaints. Repeated noise or party offenses can result in social probation, fines or removal from campus.
Smoking is not permitted in any of our buildings. It is also not allowed to smoke outside on the UCU/ICU campus. For further information on Utrecht University’s smoke-free policy and enforcement please see https://students.uu.nl/en/smoke-free-uu.
When you come back from a period away (summer, exchange or a Leave of Absence) and are moving into a new room, you will be able to collect your keys from your personal mailbox in Dining Hall. Therefore, do not put your mailbox key in storage!
Keys will be available for pickup from the arrival day before the start of each semester, onwards. Please check the academic calendar for the correct date.
Campus housing is guaranteed (and mandatory) for all UCU students, for the nominal duration of your studies. However, third-year students are offered the opportunity to live off-campus. You need to be in good academic standing, i.e. not be on academic probation, to be eligible to live off-campus.
Please keep in mind that it is not easy to find an affordable student room in Utrecht. Students may approach SSH for their ‘long stay’ facilities (unfurnished rooms), but please note there is a long waiting list. It is more effective to use student networks to find rooms to rent. If you are interested in living off campus, then please start your search for housing in Utrecht a.s.a.p. On the UU student website there are tips and tricks to help with your search, and links to agencies and platforms. If you have any questions on finding housing you are also welcome to contact the UU Student Support office
During the semester information regarding conditions and how to apply for off-campus living are distributed by email. You need to apply before the indicated deadline, otherwise a room will be reserved for you on campus and campus fees will be charged.
Students enrolled in a seventh semester (with the exception of UCSA and UCSC board members), and students in year 4 of one of the double degree programmes are not eligible for housing on campus.
As soon as you have moved off-campus, you have to register your new address with Utrecht municipality. According to the law, you have to do this within 5 days after the physical change of your address. If you have a VVR status, failng to do this on time may jeopardise your residency status in the Netherlands. Look under City registration 2nd / 3rd years for necessary links on how to register online with your Digi-D, or how to do this without a Digi-D.
The information on housing deposits can be found here. Here you will also find the link to a form to obtain your refund.
Individual Room:
Table (120x80 cm or smaller)
Desk chair
Desk lamp
Waste basket
Mattress (220X90 cm)
Mattress cover
Cupboard with shelves and hanging space
Ceiling lamp
Electric kettle
Cooking hood/extractor fan
Microwave oven
Hot plate(s)
Trash can
Living Room:
Comfortable Chairs
Low table(s)
High table(s)
Washing machine (only in some units, otherwise in the general laundry)
Dryer (only in some units, otherwise in the general laundry)
Sanitary articles (e.g. toilet paper holders, waste baskets)
Cleaning equipment (units: vacuum cleaner, mop, bucket, wiper, broom, dustpan and brush)
Fire extinguisher(s) (units)
Fire alarm(s) (units)
More information in the Campus Life Rules and Guidelines. The Campus Life Rules and Guidelines is an annual publication that provides crucial information regarding campus life at University College Utrecht.
Information on this compensation and how to request it can be found here
As a student at University College Utrecht you will change rooms on campus every year. Each time you move within our campus in Utrecht, you have to register your new address with Utrecht municipality. Please visit the website of the Utrecht Municipality to find the instructions regarding the change of address. You will need to complete the registration by uploading the "toestemming inschrijving" form.
You are required to register any address changes within 5 days of moving. Residence permit holders in particular must make sure to change this in time, or it may have consequences regarding your residency status in the Netherlands.
Going on Exchange
By law you can remain registered at your former address until you return from your exchange. You can wait and change your address as soon as you have your new address on campus. For returning students who were on Exchange in Fall, an email was sent out 21st January.
By Dutch law you are required to de-register with Utrecht municipality within five days after the day you move off-campus. Please find all relevant details on what you should do in our Leaving UCU document, which you can find on the Leaving University College Utrecht page.
If you are about to leave University College Utrecht, please follow the procedure for leaving your room.
A. Keys
1. Students returning next session: Put your room key in a sealed envelope in mailbox 606 in Dining Hall, along with your name and address. In case of negligence you will be charged €10. Only your room key should be handed in. If all keys are handed in you will be expected to pay for new keys upcoming semester.
2. Students who are not returning: Please hand in all keys (XS-card, room key and post box key). Put the keys in a sealed envelope in mailbox 606 in Dining Hall, along with your name and address. In case of negligence you will be charged €10,- per key and €25,- per XS-card. Please use your own envelope, do not share it with other students and if you hand in multiple keys please remove them from a key chain and put them separately in the envelope.
B. Room inspection
All rooms should be vacated no later than on midnight of the checkout date, which you can find in the academic calendar. After that date the Landlady has the right to enter the rooms and your XS-card will be blocked. The room inspection will be done after your departure whereby:
- The room should be clean and all your personal belonging should be removed; belongings that are left behind will be thrown away.
- The inventory is complete and in its original location (you can find the inventory list in the Campus Life Rules and Guidelines).
- If you receive a notification for a missing key, the removal of personal belongings, missing/damaged inventory and/or cost of cleaning, a description of the damage will be included. Damages reported at the beginning of your stay will be taken into consideration. University College Utrecht will withdraw the amount to be paid by you from your housing deposit. For getting back the housing deposit, please see housing deposit.
C. Temporary storage
The college has a storage facility only for students who have parents living abroad. Instructions with exact details will be sent to these students before the end of semester. If you have questions, please contact ucu.housemaster@uu.nl.
D. Bicycles
Returning students may store their bike in the designated bicycle stands. All bicycles standing in the hallways against buildings etc. will be removed.