Honours Thesis

The honours thesis must be completed in addition to the minimum 180 EC required for graduation.

Please notice: the following procedure is provisional.

Students who have a GPA of 3.6 or higher and who wish to work on an honours thesis are advised to:

  • Contact a potential supervisor: discuss the project and ask the supervisor to approve their Honours Thesis (HT) Research Proposal (for a guideline, see below),
  • By the end of the third week of the semester in which the student writes their thesis, submit the thesis proposal that is approved by the supervisor to the Honours Director, dr. Gerard van der Ree (ucu.honoursdirector@uu.nl), copying their supervisor in the email.
  • If the Honours Director approves it, they will email the Registrar’s office with the names and student numbers of the selected candidates.


The Honours Thesis (HT) Research Proposal to be submitted to the Honours Director must include the following:

  • Your GPA (3.6 or higher)
  • Name of the supervisor, who has agreed on the proposal. N.B. Only if the supervisor agrees with the project and is willing to supervise it, the student can submit the form to the Honours Director
  • Description of the project, including:
    • preliminary title and topic,
    • discipline(s) involved and method(s) to be used,
    • explanation of the question/thesis/project,
    • relevant academic literature;
    • relation HT to the regular thesis, if there is such a relation;
    • what makes this thesis an honours thesis, that is, expand on one of the following options:
      • (depth) HT delves more in depth than a regular thesis (or: on one aspect of the student’s regular thesis)
      • (interdisciplinarity) HT involves the perspective and the methodology of at least 2 disciplines and aims at integration between the 2 (or more) perspectives (or: adds the perspective and methodology of another discipline and aims at integration between the results of the student’s regular thesis and this new research)
      • (community/societal engagement) HT describes the process of translating (an aspect of) a research either conducted by the student or by others to make an impact on society/a community
      • HT is an honours level thesis for another reason: specify
  • Timeline (year+semester)
  • Wordcount (around 500-700 words)