Cross-listed and Inter-domain Courses
Inter-domain courses -
of which some are also capstone courses
INT (inter-domain) courses approach a topic from the perspective of at least two disciplines in two different academic domains (HUM, SSC or SCI). INT courses can only be counted towards major requirements if this is specified in the course outline comments. If an INT course can serve to complete a track in a specific discipline, this, too, is stated explicitly in the course outline (see Course outlines for information about specific courses). INT courses cannot serve to fulfill breadth requirements.
An inter-domain course identified as a 'capstone' can serve as a partial replacement of the thesis, which is then only 7,5 EC instead of 15 EC. If not used as a thesis replacement, the capstone course counts towards the level 3 requirement as usual.
Course code | Course Title | Contributing domains and disciplines | Comments |
UCINTCER21 | Engaged Citizenship and Activism | HUM (Media and Performance Studies) SSC (Anthropology) | Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTCER31 | Hospitality, Sanctuary, Refuge | HUM SCI SSC | CAPSTONE Counts towards a SSC major. |
UCINTCER32 | Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights | HUM SCI SSC | Counts towards a SSC major. |
UCINTCER33 | Impactful Action on SDG’s | Students' choice | CAPSTONE Counts towards a SSC major. |
UCINTCHI13 | Introduction to China | HUM (China Studies) SSC (a.o. Human Geography) | Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTCHI23 | Encountering China | HUM (China Studies) SSC (Sociology) | Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTDEV21 | Theory and Practice of Development | HUM SSC | Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTDEV31 | Field course East Africa | HUM (History, Religion) SSC (Politics, Economics, Geography, Anthropology) | Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTDUT12 | Discovering the Dutch | HUM (Art, History) SSC (Politics, Geography) | Counts towards HUM or SSC major Priority placement for exchange students. |
UCINTEVO31 | Evolution, culture and human nature | HUM (Linguistics) SCI (Biology) SSC (Sociology, Psychology, Economics) | Counts towards HUM, SCI or SSC major |
UCINTGAS11 | Gastronomy: Arts and Science of Food | HUM SCI SSC | Counts as free choice only, not towards any major |
UCINTFAS21 | The Social Skin - Fashion Through a Critical Lens | HUM (Art History) SSC (Anthropology) | Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTGLO21 | Global Health | SCI SSC | Counts towards SCI or SSC major |
UCINTGLO31 | Global Health Practice | SCI SSC | CAPSTONE Counts towards SCI or SSC major |
UCINTHIS21 | Understanding Conflict | HUM (History) SSC (Politics, Anthropology) | Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTHIS22 | Conflict Simulation & Negotiation | HUM SSC | Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTHIS23 | Black Cultural Production and Social Change | HUM (Media Studies, History) SSC (Sociology) | Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTHIS32 | European Conflicts and Security | HUM (History) SSC (Politics) | Track finisher History. Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTHON32 | Student-designed honours course | Course content changes every year | Does not count towards graduation requirements |
UCINTLAS31 | Integrating Life | HUM SSC | CAPSTONE Counts toward HUM and SSC major Not on offer in Spring 2024, but back in Spring '25. On offer every other year. |
UCINTLAS32 | Politics of Belonging | HUM SSC | CAPSTONE Counts toward HUM and SSC major |
UCINTLAS34 | Public Health from Theory to Practice | SCI SSC | CAPSTONE Counts toward SCI and SSC major. |
UCINTLIN33 | Speech Production and Perception | HUM (Linguistics) SCI (Cognitive Neuroscience) SSC (Psychology) | Track finisher Linguistics. Counts towards HUM or SCI major |
UCINTLIT21 | From Literature to Life | HUM (Literature, Philosophy, Linguistics) SCI (Medical science) SSC (Sociology, Psychology) | Counts towards SSC or HUM major. |
UCINTMES31 | The Digital Citizen | HUM (Media Studies) SSC (various) | Track finisher Media Studies. Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTPOL32 | Politics and Religion in the Modern World | HUM (History, Religious Studies) SSC (Political Science) | Track finisher History, Religious Studies or Political Science. Counts towards HUM or SSC major |
UCINTSUS21 | Sustainability | HUM (History, Philosophy) SCI (Biology, Earth Science) SSC (Sociology, Economics, Politics) | Counts towards HUM, SCI or SSC major |
UCINTSUS31 | Systems, Stories and Sustainability In 2023: off campus GEO3-2431 | HUM SCI SSC | CAPSTONE Counts as free choice only, not towards any major |
Cross-listed courses
Cross-listed courses are offered in a specific discipline in their host academic domain (HUM, SSC or SCI), but can be counted towards courses taken for major requirements in a second domain, as specified in the course outline (see Course Planner for information about specific courses). When taken to fulfill the breadth requirement, cross-listed courses can only be used in the host domain, not in a second or third domain. Cross-listed courses can only be taken as track finishers in another domain than the host domain if specifically indicated in the course description.
Course code | Course Title | Cross-listed with, also counts toward major in: | Fields |
UCHUMHAR22 | Museum Studies | SSC | - Art History/Museum Studies - Anthropology |
UCHUMHAR32 | ‘Heritage’: Dynamics of Collections | SSC | - Art History/Museum Studies, track finisher - Anthropology, track finisher |
UCHUMLIN22 | Psycholinguistics | SCI | - Linguistics - Cognitive Neuroscience |
UCHUMREL13 | Global Religions: Ideas and Practices | SSC | - Religious Studies, Philosophy - Anthropology |
UCHUMREL34 | Religion and Political Secularism | SSC | - Religious Studies, track finisher - Anthropology (not as a track finisher) |
UCSCICOG11 | Cognitive Neuroscience I | SSC | - Cognitive Neuroscience - Psychology |
UCSCIHIS11 | History and Philosophy of Science | HUM | - General Science - History |
UCSSCPOL11 | Introduction to Political Theory | HUM | - Political Science - Philosophy |
UCSSCANT23 | Anthropology of Art and Material Culture | HUM | - Anthropology - Art History/Museum Studies |
Geographical Field Course | HUM | - Geography, track finisher - Languages |
Courses that count as track finisher for multiple tracks
The following courses are offered within one domain, and count as track finishers for at least 2 disciplines. This is also described in the course outline.
course code | course title | track finisher for | |
UCHUMLIT36 | Postcolonisal Interventions | Literature and Media Studies | |
UCSSCGEO33 | European Integration | Geography and Political Science |