Universidad del País Vasco (University of the Basque Country)

Universidad del País Vasco is an exchange destination in Bilbao/San Sebastian, Spain. This destination is specifically for bachelor en master Computing SciencesChemistry, Physics and Mathematics students of the Faculty of Science.

Fields of study

Bachelor & Master Computing Sciences (Faculty of informatics in San Sebastian), Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics (Bilbao) students of the Faculty of Science.

Number of places available

2 places per study field per year. 

Selection was not necessary in the past few years.

Student experiences

Download the student experiences


General information for students

Course information for exchange students

Social Media



Facebook- International Page



Academic calendar

Semester 1: Early September – Mid January

Semester II:  End of January – Mid May

Language requirements

No information given

Areas of study open to exchange students

This partnership is based on a bilateral agreement between Science UU and Universidad del País Vasco in the departement of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science.

Courses at Master’s level

General information

Courses taught in English?

More information

Housing assistance

Most visitors choose to live in shared, rented flats in the city. There are also university and private student residences where visitors can settle.

More information

Estimated living costs per month

Average monthly expenses 635-835 Euros per month including accommodation


General information

Contact informatie

International office Faculteit Bèta

Voor korte vragen (5-10 minuten) kun je naar het inloopspreekuur komen of bellen tijdens telefoonuren.

  • Inloopspreekuur: Maandage tussen 10:00 and 12:00 (aanmelden bij Minnaert 1.20)
  • Telefoonuren: Mondays between 13:30 and 15:00 on the number: +31 641553879