International Perspectives on Youth and Education

The minor International Perspectives on Youth and Education is an interdisciplinary minor that combines insights from educational sciences and pedagogical sciences. In this minor you will experience how the study of youth and education takes a different course as our world becomes more global and culturally diverse, and as media seem to take over part of the traditional spaces children grow up in.

Questions as: 'What is optimal development in different cultures worldwide and how does this impact up on the educational infrastructures and services, as our societies grow more diverse?’ ‘How do larger international organizations impact upon our educational systems and decision making?’ and ‘How do media impact upon children’s wellbeing apart from traditional settings of socialization such as the family and schools?’  are addressed in this minor.

The minor develops a comparative perspective on youth and education including cross-cultural and cross-national levels. You will learn how cultural diversity plays a role in multi-cultural societies for issues of child raising, parenting and education. You will also be acquainted with how the effects of media on children’s wellbeing play out in culturally different settings. And finally, you will be familiarized with how global or international developments affect teaching and learning across continents and countries. Apart from these disciplinary orientations, you will be offered qualitative methodological skills which allow you to analyse and study this kind of cross-cultural and cross-national dimensions of education and pedagogy.

Study programme

The minor consists of four out of the following five courses (7.5 ECTS each):

Entrance requirements

There are no entrance requirements.

Minor declaration

If you are a student of Utrecht University, the minor will be included in your International Diploma Supplement (provided that you have met all the requirements, of course).

If you are not a student of the University, it may be useful to request a minor declaration. This will allow you to demonstrate that you have successfully completed the minor. When you have passed all courses of this minor, you can apply for a minor declaration in Osiris Case. To do so, you must be enrolled in the minor.

More information?

For questions concerning content please contact prof. dr. M. de Haan ( For all other questions, please contact the support team of Pedagogy (