Comparative Media Studies

The minor Comparative Media Studies will no longer be offered in academic year 2022-2023. It's not possible to start this minor. 

Have you already started this minor and do you have to follow one or more courses? It's still possible to finish the minor according to the curriculum below.  If you haven't completed the course ME3V15012 Television in Transition yet, please follow the course ME3V21005 Convergence Cultures instead. 

Minor coordinator

Anne Kustritz


The minor Comparative Media Studies consists of 4 compulsory courses (30 EC).  Please note that the registration period is limited. See the box under 'Application and Registration' for the exact registration dates of the courses.

Application and registration

How to register for this minor and its course modules, depends on whether you are a student of Utrecht University or not.

More information

If you wish to know more, or have questions about this minor, please contact the Student Desk Humanities.