EWUU Challenge Based Learning Courses
At this moment there are three challenges that will start in 2025: Bio-Tech-Med Nutrition Team Training (BITT), Dutch Dairy Student Challenge (DDSC), and Interuniversity Sustainability Challenge.
Bio-Tech-Med Nutrition Interdisciplinary Team Training (BITT)
Content: The extra challenges that patients experience with their disease, like nutrition.
- It begins on February 11, 2025 and ends on March 27, 2025
- 3 of 5 EC’s (with extra assignment)
- Master students
- English
- https://ewuu.nl/nl/bitt-challenge-2025/
Dutch Dairy Student Challenge (DDSC)
Research question: How can dairy farms keep existing in the future in a healthy, sustainable and economically feasible way from the perspective of animal, environment and farmers?
- It begins on March 10, 2025 and ends on May 15, 2025
- 6 EC’s
- 3rd year bachelor students and master students
- English (understanding of Dutch can be useful)
- https://ewuu.nl/en/dutch-dairy-student-challenge-ddsc/
Interuniversity Sustainability Challenge
Theme: The place where we live: a future of 1,5 degrees warmer.
- It begins on April 21, 2025 and ends on June 21, 2025
- 7,5 EC’s
- 2nd and 3rd year bachelor students
- English
- https://ewuu.nl/en/interuniversity-sustainability-challenge2025/
When students want to join a course offered by an institution other than their own, they can use EduXchange. This online platform helps students expand their horizons by enabling them to find diverse courses organized by the alliance.
About EWUU
The four institutions that make up the alliance cooperate cross-disciplinary in research and education. With this unconventional approach, EWUU alliance contributes to urgent societal transitions. The EWUU alliance is a collaboration between four educational institutions in the Netherlands: Eindhoven University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, Utrecht University, and University Medical Centre Utrecht. The EWUU alliance offers a range of bachelor’s and master's level courses (challenges) aimed at enhancing education through interdisciplinary approaches to societal challenges. This creates various opportunities for students to take courses beyond the borders of their own institution.