Can I participate in this course if I have already followed the Global Health course?
Yes! The course has been renewed, with different speakers and a new design of the program. You can participate again in the entire course, or only attend specific evenings.
Can I only attend a few evenings?
Yes! This is no problem. However, you will only receive a certificate if you attend 9 different lectures; receive a ‘pass’ on the presentation and complete the evaluation form.
I know someone from another faculty who would also like to follow the course can he/she/they come along?
Yes! The evenings and the entire course are open for anyone who is interested, including students from other faculties or universities, UMCU employees or other interested parties. To enroll, they can use the Formdesk link or email us at
When can I start the course?
You can start the course any time of the year. If you are interested in completing the course and obtaining a certificate, you need to attend 9 lecture evenings. These will be counted from the first time you join the course, whenever that is.
Is it possible to follow the Global Health course during two different academic years?
Yes! You will have to re-enroll each academic year. You will be reminded to do this.