In the Bachelor Research Hub, (Bio)medical bachelor students perform authentic and relevant research, supervised by researchers or physician-scientists from the UMC Utrecht. As a researcher, physician, patient or group of students you can post a research question or patient case in an online portal Konjoin, where other parties interested in this topic can find it and contact you.
Research projects that can be performed in the Bachelor Research Hub range from single-day practicals within the regular bachelor curricula, to long-term extra-curricular projects.

Do you teach a course in which you would like to integrate a discovery-based practical? When combined with the adjacent room P1, the Bachelor Research Hub offers a capacity for up to 50-80 students and is therefore highly suitable for research projects where many hands make light work.
In the practical bachelor course Biomedical Research Lab (BMS, year 3), 16 students spend 10 weeks fulltime on a central research question that is posed by the research group supervising the course. The interdisciplinary course Experimental Translational Medicine (BMS and Medicine, year 2) has a similar set-up, except that students work on a patient case. Four subgroups of 4 students each address the project from a different angle, thereby complementing one another (methodologically).
Supervision of these courses requires 1-2 researchers from the group supervising the course. These may include a PhD student or senior Master student, who will receive educational training. The Hub complements the supervision by providing 1-2 researchers. Bench fee is (partially) reimbursed.
We are always looking for research groups interested in supervising an edition of one of these courses. Please contact us if you are interested or would like to receive additional information.
At the end of the bachelor Biomedical Sciences, students perform their capstone research project, including two weeks of practical research. This practical component can be performed in the Bachelor Research Hub if your lab does not have bench space available, or to gain efficiency.
The Bachelor Research Hub provides an opportunity for motivated students to work long-term on a research question. This research is performed on an extra-curricular basis by small groups of students, to ensure continuity of the project. Are interested in supervising motivated students, and identify talent at an early stage? Post your research project in KonJoin and be in touch!
The Bachelor Research Hub reimburses part of the bench fee and complements your supervision with 1-2 scientists.
The Bachelor Research Hub provides an opportunity for motivated students to work on a research question throughout the Summer. This research is performed on an extra-curricular basis by small groups of students. Are interested in supervising motivated students, and identify talent at an early stage? Post your research project in KonJoin and be in touch!
The Bachelor Research Hub reimburses part of the bench fee and complements your supervision with 1-2 scientists.
Students excited by topics or patient cases mentioned in a course, can initiate a research project related to this topic. If the project meets up to the standards provided in the OER, Biomedical Sciences can obtain Honours study credits by performing co-curricular research.
Students interested in performing this type of research will contact you themselves, or via their teacher or course coordinator. The Bachelor Research Hub reimburses the bench fee for hours that provide (Honours) study credits.
Research projects or patient cases can be posted in the UU-wide online portal KonJoin. Use your Solis ID or UMC account to gain access and to make a KonJoin profile. For researchers, this registration procedure is partly automated, as it is coupled to the PURE system.

In the portal, you can find research projects or persons (both students and researchers). Choose ‘Bachelor Research Hub’ to filter relevant research projects, or post your own topic online.
The Bachelor Research Hub is located at the 3rd floor in the H-wing of the UMC Utrecht, in the former student lab space P2.

The lab space of the Bachelor Research Hub is being furnished soon and will facilitate many types of research from fundamental to translational, including patients and the disease, and diagnostic developments.
If you would like to collaborate with the Bachelor Research Hub or have a question for us, please contact us at bachelorresearchhub@umcutrecht.nl.