
The city of Utrecht interconnects people and the places where we live, work, and play. You as a UU student, and we as a university, are part of this dynamic whole. In UniCity, we explore how academic research and the university are intertwined and engaged with life in Utrecht.

About the programme

Together with students from across UU, city stakeholders and researchers, you will research what happens and matters in the city. We observe and are guided by social activities, spatial surroundings and the ecology of the city.

Focused on engagement, we explore what connects people and groups in public spaces. We thereby build bridges between academic disciplines and social perspectives. We make our findings publicly accessible through a final exhibition - this is how we make academic research engaged and relevant.

UniCity x MRKUBUS: Graffiti art geïnspireerd door UniCity-concepten

Programme and time commitment:

UniCity in short:

  • For UU Master’s students from all degree programmes.
  • The programme runs for one academic year. You can also take it for one semester.
  • Time investment: 8-12 hours per week
  • Study load: 15 EC (7.5 EC per semester, 1 EC = 28 hours)
  • Weekly roundtable meetings on Wednesdays (17:00-19:00)
  • Some meetings on Saturdays, including the UniCity Expo
  • English-led, with Dutch where appropriate or desired. Basic understanding of Dutch is recommended (Not mandatory)

UniCity is free of charge. Interested? Be sure to read the ‘What you need to take into account’ tab.

Information session

There are no further information sessions scheduled for the UniCity Spring Semester programme. If you have any questions about the programme, please email us at honourscollege@uu.nl.

Application and selection

Applications for UniCity 2024-2025 have now closed. Applications for the year 2025-2026 will open during the second semester. Below you can read what you need to prepare for your registration and how the process usually works.

Student experiences

Check out some UniCity student experiences below.

By doing one big project, you can go much deeper into the material. Here it’s really about the quality of the data and the study, and not the quantity.

Student 2023-2024


The programme leaders of the UniCity programme are Jeroen Vermeulen, Sanne Akkerman and Ivar Troost. For questions and comments about UniCity, please contact us at honourscollege@uu.nl. Follow @uuhonours on Instagram to stay in the loop!