Navigating Insecure Futures

This programme aims to help you develop resilience, practice hope, and strengthen your communities in the face of our insecure future. In a world marked by political polarization, inequality, and climate crises, Navigating I.F. offers a unique space to nurture your agency and for the challenges ahead.

About the programme

We often discuss and react to our insecure future on a macro level. In contrast, Navigating I.F asks: how do we respond to these futures at the level of our communities, our personal lives, and the places we inhabit? Here, you will develop and apply practical leadership skills to address these questions.

Navigating I.F offers a range of learning spaces that explore our overarching aims differently. These four courses offer workshops, toolkits, dialogues, and public engagements, that will strengthen your engagement and leadership skills. Each course concludes by sharing its insights with the wider community, ranging from exhibitions, publications, and symposia.

Study programme and time investment

Navigating Insecure Futures in short:

  • For UU Bachelor’s students from all disciplines.
  • Taken in addition to your regular degree programme.
  • Four courses of 7.5 EC, each course lasts 2 blocks (1 semester).
  • You can choose one or multiple courses.
  • See the timings for each course under the "courses" tab below
  • Taught in English.

Click on the courses below for more information. The Navigating Insecure Futures programme is free of charge.

Information session

Join our online info-session on Tuesday, January 21st from 17:30-18:30 for more detailed information about the programme.

Register here

Application and selection

The application deadline for the Navigating Insecure Futures programme in semester 2 is January 27th, 2025 at 09:00 AM (CEST). Our selection is based on motivation to participate, we do not take grades into account. 


The programme leader is Gerard van der Ree. For questions about the Navigating Insecure Futures programme, please contact Follow @uuhonours on Instagram to stay in the loop!