DDLL Testimonial: Fréderique Beerkens

Double Degree in Law and Liberal Arts & Sciences
Major: Social Sciences and Law
Further education: Next year hopefully a Master in Corporate Law
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Passionate about many academic areas and law
Although I am passionate about many academic areas, I always knew that I wanted to study, and eventually practice, Dutch law. Yet, I did not want to gain knowledge in only one single field as my interests lie broader. I also wanted to be able to comprehend worldwide political systems and I wanted to continue pursuing my interests in Biology and Statistics. Furthermore, I enjoyed studying in English and always liked surrounding myself with people from all corners of the world. Because of this, and the excellent worldwide recognised Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor’s program, I decided to enrol at UCU, where I knew they also offered a Double Degree, which would allow me to obtain two bachelors (one in Liberal Arts, and one in Dutch Law) within only four years.
At UCU you will be surrounded by motivated people
At UCU one thing is certain: you will be surrounded by motivated people who strive for excellence in many ways, whether it be in courses, committees or sports. ‘Well, who wouldn’t want to be a part of that?’ is what I could only wonder. And so I embarked on my three-year journey at UCU. As soon as I started at UCU, I enrolled in law classes, which I enjoyed thoroughly. Because of my fervent desire to practice Dutch Law one day, I enrolled myself in the Double Degree Programme (DDLL).
I highly recommend the double degree program
I would highly recommend the Double Degree in Law and Liberal Arts & Sciences. You obtain two bachelor degrees in four years and are educated in both English and Dutch. You are pushed and taught to study hard and strive for the best. After the program, you will not only have secured the necessary legal knowledge for a legal career, but also have an interdisciplinary approach to any problem and situation you will be in.
UCU has provided me with the intellectual depth that I was seeking; while the Bachelor in Law (LLB) ensures that I will be able to partake in a Master’s program in law (LLM) at Utrecht University, as well as many other universities, in the Netherlands and abroad. It will enable me to become a lawyer in the Netherlands. This broad yet at the same time focussed background will no doubt open many doors in the future.