Town and Gown
The Town and Gown team facilitates your plans to make a positive social impact and brings you into contact with off-campus communities.
If you have a plan, or even a premature idea that has the potential to strengthen the ties between University College Utrecht and other communities in Utrecht and promote global citizenship, we will help you to develop it further and realise it. Next to actively thinking with you, we have a budget available to provide you with financial support.
You can also join other Town and Gown-funded teams that have been formed around the project ideas of other students. An example is the Marhaban Project that has developed a buddy system that connects University College Utrecht students with young refugees in Utrecht. The shared experiences of the duo’s and the monthly group meetings that the Marhaban Project organizes promote both intercultural exchange and integration.
Please note: Initiatives sponsored by Town and Gown are not part of the academic curriculum. Nevertheless, University College Utrecht strongly encourages students to be civically engaged and take part in social work. The Town and Gown team was set up to provide students with a framework and support system to start a project themselves, and to show students the opportunities for community engagement that are already out there.
Find out more about current events and calls for applications on the Town and Gown Facebook page.
Contact the Town and Gown team: