Take a test

In order to get a better impression of your 'professional' self you can take several tests in the Career Services testing portal. Here you can find a number of professional tests (123test), which produce extensive reports that allow you to map out your personal profile. 

• Personality test: Find out what your strongest points are in a work environment.

• Work values test: Want to know what makes you happy or unhappy in your work and career? Discover what motivates you.

• Competency test: Do you have the competences necessary for the position you wish to fulfill? 

• Career choice test: Which profession will you choose?

• Team roles test: What role do you take on in a group? Do the test and find out!

• Number series: Can you find the numerical logic?

• Logical reasoning: Enhance your performance for an assessment and practice your verbal or numerical reasoning.

• Analogies: Determine the relationships between words. How quickly can you see the connections?

Time for a test! You can find the tests in the MyUU app. Open the app and go to 'More' and under 'Easy Links' you can find the 'Career Tests'.