Student Experiences
Want to know if studying abroad is something for you? Read the experiences of fellow students who have followed part of their studies abroad and get inspired!
Bangkok – Mahidol

“One of the reasons I wanted to go on exchange was to improve my English. I am glad I did it, my English improved massively! I didn’t prepare myself for the language part. An exchange is a great way to improve in a language."

Cork - Ierland
“In 2017, I was on an exchange in Cork, Ireland, for around four months. Cork was ideal for me. It had the atmosphere of Utrecht: international, but not as many tourists as in Amsterdam.'
Berkeley- UCLA

“Start thinking about your exchange in advance and save up for it. Think about where you want to go and why. Hard work will pay off in new friends, many experiences, a broader network for the future, a lot of knowledge, and cultural sensitivity.'