Step 3. Arrange before departure
Below is an overview of practical matters you can or should arrange before your departure. Use it as a checklist to ensure you are well prepared and read all the information carefully. A few weeks before your departure, you will be invited to a pre-departure meeting, where you will meet students who are going to the same university/country and students who have been there before.
Registration with the host university
If you have been selected, the International Office will nominate you at your host university. The next step is to arrange your registration there. The procedure is different for each university. You might receive information about this from Utrecht University, but often you will receive information from the host university.
Important: the host university will make the final decision about your admission. Therefore, you can only be certain of your exchange when you have registered with this university and have received confirmation.
Approval by the board of examiners
You are required to request the Board of Examiners’ approval for the courses you want to take. Each faculty has its own procedure for this. Consult your study programme for details.
View the approval of your programme
Apply for a grant
If you are going on exchange within the EU, you are eligible for an Erasmus grant. In addition, there is the Travel Green Grant, which allows you to have the costs of your train or bus ticket reimbursed if you choose this method of travel instead of flying. Grant options for destinations outside the EU are limited.
Re-enroll before 1 September
Do not deregister | Are you going on exchange to a foreign university? A condition for exchange is that you remain registered at Utrecht University. So make sure you arrange your re-registration before you leave! |
Re-registration UU | You must re-register at Utrecht University before 1 September each year. Even if you temporarily study abroad. |
Register for courses on time | Check with your (bachelor's/master's) programme whether you still need to register before a certain date for courses that you want to follow when you return. |
In addition to the GGD Utrecht, you can also contact the Occupational Health and Safety Nurses of the UMC Utrecht (for all students of Utrecht University) for vaccinations. They can be reached by telephone from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 10:00 and from 15:30 to 16:30. For more information, please call: 088-7556200.
Emergency contact details
Before departure, we ask you to provide your contact details in Osiris, so that we can contact you or your family/friends in the event of an emergency. Follow these steps:
Step 1: log in to Osiris
Step 2: go to 'Abroad'
Step 3: click on ‘Contact information’
If you do not yet have an address, you can enter it on site as soon as you know it.
Other matters
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