What does an exchange cost?

Are you going on exchange? Then it is important to take the costs into account. Your budget can influence your choice of destination abroad. If you go on exchange, you will continue to pay the regular full-time tuition fee to Utrecht University. You will not pay tuition fees abroad.

Workshop 'How do I finance my exchange'

Do you want to know what the costs are of an exchange and how you can finance your exchange? Then visit the workshop 'How do I finance my exchange' during the Study Abroad weeks.

Estimate your costs

Before you apply, it is important that you estimate the expenses you will face each month. Take into account:

  • Room rent
  • Insurance
  • Travel costs
  • Costs of living
  • Specific costs at a particular university

Keep in mind that costs vary greatly per country. On most destination pages you will find information about the costs under the heading 'costs'.

Make an overview of your income

It can be useful to make an overview of all the income you have:

  • Savings
  • DUO loan
  • Travel allowance
  • Parental contribution
  • Scholarship
  • Non-resident grant

Making a budget for yourself can be helpful. In addition, there are scholarships for exchanges within and outside Europe.