Universität Zürich

University of Zürich is an exchange destination in Zürich, Switzerland. This destination is specifically for bachelor and master students Mathematics and Physics of Utrecht University, Faculty of Science.

Fields of study

Bachelor and master Mathematics and Physics

Number of places available

2 places per study field available. 

Selection was not necessary in the previous years. 

Student experiences

No reviews available.


General information for exchange students 
Course information

Social Media


Academic calendar

General information

Semester 1: week 38 to 51

Semester II: week 8 to 22

Exam terms differ according to field of study


Language: recommended is level B2 CEFR in the language of instruction, but a certificate is not needed. Courses are mainly held in German, but some English courses are offered as well.

Areas of study open to exchange students

This partnership is based on a bilateral agreement between Science UU and University of  Zürich and the Departements of Mathematics and Physics. 

Students are admitted to other fields of study (except Human and Veterinary Medicine) if they have the relevant prior knowledge.

Courses at Master’s level

Admission of bachelor students for master subjects depends on the field of study. Please refer to respective departmental coordinator.

Courses taught in English

Availability of courses held in English depends on the field of study. Please refer to respective departmental coordinator.

Housing assistance

General information

Zürich University does not offer own student dormitories

Agencies who can help with accommodation: Housing Office  and Woko Studentische Wohngenossenschaft

Estimated living costs per month

General information
About CHF 1500-1800  per month

Credits and gradings

Normal study load per term- in credits 20-30 ects per semester

More information

University of Zürich

Contact informatie

International office Faculteit Bèta

Voor korte vragen (5-10 minuten) kun je naar het inloopspreekuur komen of bellen tijdens telefoonuren.

  • Inloopspreekuur: Maandagen tussen 10:00 en 12:00 (aanmelden bij Minnaert 1.20)
  • Telefoonuren: Maandagen tussen 13:30 en 15:00 via het telefoonnummer: +31 641553879