Universität Leipzig


Universität Leipzig is a universitywide partner in Leipzig, Germany.

Student experiences

Download the student experiences


General information for exchange students

Information for Dutch students in Germany

Course information

Social media



About Leipzig University (YouTube)

Academic calendar

Semester I: 1st week of October – end of March
Semester II: 1st week of April – end of September

Orientation generally commences late September for Semester I and late March for Semester II.

Exams take place early February for Semester I and mid July for Semester II.

Detailed calendar.


GPA (Average Grade)

There is no GPA requirement for this destination.

Language Requirement

B2 level is strongly recommended for the language of instruction (German or English). A proficiency statement provided by the UU is sufficient.

Areas of study open to UU students

All areas

Language of instruction

Mainly courses in German, limited courses in English. 

Housing assistance

The university does not provide specific assistance in finding accommodation, but there are multiple platforms you can use to find residence. 

See the website for more information.

Estimated living costs per month

In total, you will need about 950 EUR a month for your living expenses in Leipzig.

Please note that universities in Germany charge a semester fee which covers your student ID and a semester ticket for public transport. The 2024-2025 fee is 269,90 EUR for one semester.

More detailed information.


Normal study work load per semester in credits: 30 credits (“Leistungspunkte”)

Lectures and seminares are organised as thematic units of mostly 3 courses and are called “modules”. 1 module comprises usually 5 or 10 credits.

Number of places available

6 places per year


We do not expect selection to be necessary.



If you have any questions about this universitywide partner university, contact the universitywide International Office:

You can reach everyone at the international office via: exchange@uu.nl

Asia, Latin America, Middle East & South Africa

Ms. Clim Gorissen

North America & UK

Ms. Cathelijne van Weelden

Australia & New Zealand

Ms. Mandy van den Houten


Ms. Elisa Costeaux

photo of Patrick Chan

General exchange questions

Patrick Chan

Photographic image of Evelyn van den Berg

Ms. Evelyn van den Berg

Phone availability

Phone: +31 (0)30-2531224
Office hours for calling: Monday and Thursday, 13:30-15:00

Make an appointment via Teams

We are available for appointments via Teams for questions about Universitywide destinations. If you have questions about faculty destinations, contact the International Office of your faculty.

To ensure that you have booked an appointment with the correct associate, please provide the following information in your appointment request:

  • the university/universities that are you interested
  • a short description of your question

If this information is not in your booking request, then we will cancel the appointment, and you will need to request a new one.

If you are unable to make it to your appointment, please do not forget to cancel.