Universität Köln

Universität Köln is an exchange destination for Utrecht University Bachelor and Master students of the faculty of Humanities in Cologne, Germany.

" I would definitely recommend Universität Köln because of the people there. They are so welcoming and open and you can ask them anything. They will always help you. The atmosphere is very very nice!" - experience from a former exchange student

Student experiences

Read about student experiences.


General information for exchange students

Information for Exchange students at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Course information

Course catalogue

Academic calendar

Semester I (Winter Semester): approximately October – February
Semester II (Summer Semester): approximately April – July

More information


Language requirement: German Level B1 (CEFR) is required.
For courses in German Linguistics and Literature a German Level B2.2 is strongly recommended.

More information about German language courses can be found here.

Areas of study open to exchange students
  • Humanities (priority: Dutch language and culture)

Students can take Dutch Language and Culture courses at the Institute of Dutch Studies. Students are also invited to take courses at other departments within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

  • Media

Students can take Media courses at the Institute of Media Culture and Theater. Students are also invited to take courses at other departments within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

The Department of German as Foreign Language (DaF) offers German language courses for international exchange students before and during the semester. Online pre-registration is mandatory!

Courses at Master’s level


Language of instruction

German and English (for Humanities: Dutch)

Housing assistance

Accommodation for International Students

Estimated living costs per month
Cost of living (Rent, Food, Clothing, Study Material, etc., per month)approx. €442
Health insurance (per Month)approx. €120
Semester contribution (Semesterbeitrag) (approx. €76 per semester), per monthapprox. €53
Other costs (alimentation, clothes, communication)approx. €371
Total (per Month)approx. 986 €

This information is subject to change. It is meant to be an indication. Costs may differ due to personal circumstances.

More information


Normal study load per semester: 30 ECTS 

Depending on the module's workload students are awarded either 6, 9 or 12 credit points.

Number of places available

Humanities: 2 places per year
Media and Musicology: 2 places per year

Additional information


Social Media

Instagram / Facebook / Youtube

Do you have any questions about this partner university or about studying abroad? Contact the International Office of the Faculty of Humanities (details below).