Universitat de Barcelona

Universitat de Barcelona is a universitywide partner in Barcelona, Spain.

Student experiences

Download student experiences.

Due to Universitat de Barcelona being a new partner, there are only a few current student experiences available. So you can also read about the experiences from students of the faculty of Humanities. 


University Home Page

Information for Exchange Students

Bachelor’s course information

Master’s course information

Academic calendar

Semester I: approximately September – January
Semester II: approximately February – June


Spanish or Catalan B1 or B2, depending on the School and an official language certificate is required.

See website for more information


Students who meet the Spanish B1 requirement at the time of application at UU (1st of December) are given priority.

For all other available spots: You must meet the required language level at the time of nomination (2023-2024 - Semester 1: before 15 April 2023, Semester 2: before 15 August 2023).

The International Office recommends a B2 level at the moment of exchange in order to fully participate in the courses.

Areas of study open to exchange students

Important: You can only be nominated under the subject area that you study at Utrecht University.

You must follow at least 3 courses within this Subject Area and you are allowed to take max 2 courses at 1 other faculty.

Restricted: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and UB affiliated centers

Language of instruction

Catalan and Spanish, both are interchangeable during class and depends on the lecturer. The used languages may sometimes differ from the course description information. Limited courses in English.

If classes are in Catalan students can still do their exams and assignments in Spanish after consulting the lecturer. 

Housing assistance

Barcelona Center Universitari (BCI) Housing is an online platform for reserving accommodation, exclusively for the university community (students, professors, researchers, etc.). They offer free advice to move to live and study in Barcelona.

More information


Normal study load per semester: 30 ECTS.

Most courses are worth 6 EC so you pick 5 courses.

Number of places available

2 semester places.

Selection was necessary last year. 


All international students must take out medical, accident and repatriation, insurance for their stay at the UB.

Medical coverage:

  • Students from countries that are members of the European Economic Area (European Union countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) and who are entitled to Social Security benefit in their own country should present their European health insurance card. The form for this card is issued by your country's public health authorities and entitles you to medical care in Spain.

  • Students from countries outside the European Economic Area should establish whether there is a medical agreement between the social security system in their country and in Spain. If there is one, you should request the relevant document from the health authorities in your country. This document will entitle you to medical care in Spain.

  • Students who are not in any of the above assumptions will have to hire a private medical insurance that covers your stay at the University of Barcelona. You will have to request a document from your insurer, in English, Spanish or Catalan, stating such coverage.

Accidents and repatriation coverage:

All students must prove an insurance that covers accidents and repatriation. It can be taken out at the home country at individual level or by the home institution. You will have to request a document from your insurer, in English, Spanish or Catalan, stating such coverage.

In any case, you have the option of purchasing one with the insurance company that has signed an agreement with the UB: Ferrer & Ojeda Asociados Correduría de Seguros, S.L.

On your arrival at the UB, you will be requested to submit a copy of your insurance.


If you have any questions about this universitywide partner university, contact the universitywide International Office:

You can reach everyone at the international office via: exchange@uu.nl

Asia, Latin America, Middle East & South Africa

Ms. Clim Gorissen

North America & UK

Ms. Cathelijne van Weelden

Australia & New Zealand

Ms. Mandy van den Houten


Ms. Elisa Costeaux

photo of Patrick Chan

General exchange questions

Patrick Chan

Photographic image of Evelyn van den Berg

Ms. Evelyn van den Berg

Phone availability

Phone: +31 (0)30-2531224
Office hours for calling: Monday and Thursday, 13:30-15:00

Make an appointment via Teams

We are available for appointments via Teams for questions about Universitywide destinations. If you have questions about faculty destinations, contact the International Office of your faculty.

To ensure that you have booked an appointment with the correct associate, please provide the following information in your appointment request:

  • the university/universities that are you interested
  • a short description of your question

If this information is not in your booking request, then we will cancel the appointment, and you will need to request a new one.

If you are unable to make it to your appointment, please do not forget to cancel.